Social Networking Around the World

Navigating the Superhighway

Consumer use of the internet superhighway is nearly limitless. From communication to buying and selling of goods and services, there is almost nothing that consumers around the world cannot do via the internet. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of on-line systems and the introduction of innovations such as on-line banking (Hansell), advertising (Goldman), shopping (Andrews), and so on. Yet, while this new era of personal and business navigation presents limitless opportunities, it likewise presents limitless risks.

Some of the opportunities presented by the internet superhighway include new methods of commerce, the ability to communicate with a person across the world within seconds, and exposure to foreign ideas or concepts. Simultaneously, some of the risks presented by the internet superhighway include theft, bodily harm, and destruction of a person’s reputation or social standing. Today, firms also operate at greater risk given the ease, for some savvy criminals, to hack into a company’s confidential information and financial data. Once weighing the opportunities and risks presented by the internet superhighway it is up to consumers to use caution and approach this navigation with a critical mind.

With cautious and critical mindsets, consumers around the world may find that there are more positive opportunities than risks. The internet superhighway has no borders, but consumers should always use caution to avoid hitting potholes

Technology Around the Globe

New technologies increasingly present the education system with the opportunity to broaden scientific learning and understanding. Furthermore, new technologies provide classrooms with the ability to improve student education. (Bransford et al.) Researchers contend that new information and communications technologies can bring exciting curricula based on real-world problems into the classroom and can enhance learning. (Roschelle)
Many countries around the world use educational technology as an instructional shift within a context of improved teaching and learning policies. (Pelgrum) At the K-12 level, technology used in classrooms allows students to interactively approach complex topics taught during their particular grade level. Furthermore, this technology will enable students to conduct research, analyze data, solve problems, and one day perhaps develop new technologies for use in classrooms.

Facebook Around the Globe

In 2008 Facebook’s site was unveiled in Spanish and the company was committed to offering its site in many other languages. Simultaneously, plans were underway to open support offices and in 2010 Facebook opened offices in Austin, Texas and Hyderabad, India.

These two major operations structures will offer Facebook more accessibility and real-time user support. According to Don Faul, Director of Global Online Operations at Facebook, “Seventy percent of the people using Facebook are outside the U.S. and are accessing the service from more than 70 languages” and he went on to say that “In India alone, we've seen rapid growth and now have more than 8 million people there actively connecting on Facebook with their friends, family, and other people they know, both within India and around the globe” (Faul, 2010). So just how big is facebook and what happens from here?

Facebook is the world’s largest social networking site with nearly 200 million users and counting. Among the top user markets are the United States, India, Canada, and Italy, with Mexico trailing as the ninth largest market. Officials are setting their sites in Latin America for expansion and certainly this social networking powerhouse is not stopping there.

The Social Networking Revolution

Social networking sites around the world seemed to have burst onto the on-line scene shortly after the arrival of MySpace. Today there are several sites all over the world open to both everyone and specific groups only.

Badoo, based London, is a multi-lingual site with over 68 million members. This site primarily gives users the opportunity to chat, explore dating, and rate each members pictures. Popular in Latin America, this site is expanding its business in Russia.

Bebo, based in San Francisco, California, is another site that has over 1 million users. While the site is similar to other social networking sites, this online platform allows members to access books and chapters of books that have been released for public viewing by the publishers. Unfortunately, this site has had a few difficulties with being sold twice and struggling to attract mass quantities of new members.

Bigadda, based in Mumbai, India, has over 3 million users and is the second most popular networking site in India. In addition, this site is now reaching notoriety with Indian’s outside of India. Bigadda is like every other social networking site, but the thing that makes it unique is that it offers users the opportunity to form as many “same interest” community chats and blogs as a person wants to belong to.

Netlog, based in Ghent, Belgium, is a social networking site specifically targeting European youth. With over 68 million members who can access this online platform in 37 languages, Netlog has become the market leader in Europe. Allowing users to create on-line profiles, play games, explore music, chat, and so much more; means that Netlog is the ultimate tool for Europe’s young to connect and communicate.

Orkut, which is owned and operated by Google and headquartered in Brazil, operates in more than 28 languages and is the most visited social networking site in India and Brazil. This social networking site is like MySpace in which users can change their profile interface, but unique in that you can rate your friends in terms of “trustworthy,” “sexy”, and so on.

There are numerous sites around the world, but these particular sites are among the most popular and have integrated a global feel that entices everyone with something.

Videos - The Effect of SNS on Globalization

Dame D. Ziegler, a Professor at Florida A&M, explores the intersection of social networking and globalization.
Joseph Stiglitz, American economist, on sharing the benefits of globalization.
Noam Chomsky, American linguist and political activist, discusses the effects of globalization.
Richard Elkus, author and high-tech executive, explains how U.S. industrial policy should be formed to stay abreast of global technologies.